Robin Bird Thunderstorm
A true story . . .
Sunday, August 30th, 2009, approx. 10 til 12 noon, I saw and heard a thunderstorm
with lightning. When the storm was over I saw a Robin bird, laying on its back dead
with its feet straight in the air, soaked feathers. The storm was so intense the bird
must have crashed one of the multiple window glasses, which resulted in its death.
I shared over the telephone with my friend from Nashville, the following commentary,
"Well, in three days there will be a death".
This statement I made, was due to the countless bird sightings over the years related
to bird's getting into houses, crashing windows, fluttering in mid-air on window ceils.Which are signs of sickness and/or death, based upon my personal experience's.
I knew the death in three days, would not be a blood family member.
The next morning, Monday, August 31st, 2009, between 7:30 a.m. through 8:00 a.m.,
I felt an urgency to contact my boss.
I told him, "If you have 'call outs' from workers this week, keep in mind I can work part of 2nd shift and all of 3rd shift, not 1st shift due to my dog's recovery from an allergic reaction". He stated, "Why be concerned, the schedule will stay the same, I am not expecting any changes or `call outs` so why are you calling me" ?
I again repeated the same information and added my desire to just let him know what I
can and can not do, to help out in case of a 'call out' this week. He seemed annoyed,
by me suggesting a `call out` could happen and he abruptly said goodbye. I guess in
three years I have not called him previously to volunteer my time to help in emergencies, so it was odd behavior outside my normal routine.
Within 1 1/2 ( between 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. ) hours, my boss calls me back with the
following statement, "Well, I guess you knew something, I just got the call that your
co-worker must attend a funeral, due to a grand-parents death".
He continued, "Can you work 1/2 of 2nd shift, Tuesday and Wednesday" ?
I said, "I tried to tell you earlier I had that feeling, and yes I can work that shift". We hung up.
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This next section of the short story, is the confirmation from my co-worker who lost the grand-parent we will call, `Pa Pa North Georgia Mountain` (NGM).
My co-worker told me that Pa Pa NGM was eating his lunch and talking to his family at
the Nursing Home, around 12 noon, Sunday, August 30th, 2009. The family left promptly
after he had eaten his lunch, speaking about what good spirit's he was in. The Robin
bird's death was between 10 til 12 noon and 12:30 p.m. of this same day.
My co-worker said that around 3:00 p.m., the Nursing Home called to report that Pa Pa
NGM had taken a turn for the worse and would not live past a.m. the next day ( 8-31-09,Monday ). And indeed, they were correct.
At the time I was calling my boss, between 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. ( 8-31-09, Monday ),
to volunteer working in case of emergencies this week, the family of Pa Pa NGM were
notified that he had died during this 30 minute timeframe, that I was speaking to my
boss about the feeling I had.
After speaking to my co-worker about these details, related to the parallel between the dead Robin bird on Sunday versus Pa Pa NGM going downhill in 3 hours, from the 12noon thunderstorm and the bird's death timeframe, we evaluated the following details.
The bird's death was a warning of a human death, of a non-blood non-family member of mine.The timeframe of the thunderstorm and the bird's crashing of the window glass matched the sudden turn for the worse of Pa Pa NGM.
The death timeframe 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. of Pa Pa NGM, does parallel the feeling I had at the same time I called and volunteered what hours I could work, to help out in case of an emergency.
In conclusion, my co-worker and myself discussed his participation in the funeral arrangements of Pa Pa NGM, since no arrangements had been made, my co-worker and his wife were responsible for all the details related to his burial. I end this story by sharing that I am very close in friendship to my co-worker, he is a 25 year retired Fireman. I admire his dedication to his family and community. The unique thing is that I have known my co-worker only since April 2009, approx. 5 months. It is interesting to evaluate why I was given this information related to his family ?
Our God has the master divine plan for all things.
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() 30TH OF AUGUST ( bird's death, Pa Pa goes downhill )
() 31st OF AUGUST ( Pa Pa's death, I call my boss )
() Nursing Home Called to report Pa Pa going downhill around 3:00 p.m. . . .
() I stated, "Well, in three days there will be a death".
() . . . he had died during this 30 minute timeframe . . .
() . . . I guess in three years I have not called him previously to volunteer . . .
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