The March 15th, 2009 return to the nest, of the Mallard Duck.
Mallard's do return to their nest.
I observed four deep bright yellow eggs in 2008.
This year, today April 10th, Good Friday, 2009, the 11 eggs
are starting to open.
I saw one of the duck chicks next to a roosting mother hen waiting
for the next arrivals, to crack open into this world.
Praise God [IHVH] for the miracle of life.
I hope she survives the next year, to return to her safe haven
in 2010.
Toooooooooo cute !
Great news, when Mrs. Mallard left her hatching nest,
Saturday 4-11-2009, with her 11 Mallard ducklings, I was sure
she went to the wilderness area water line.
However, she did not.
She is now in a hiding place close to a commercial business park,
inside shrub's which the rabbit's have excavated very good
holes at the shrub roots.
All 11 duckling's sighted with mother.
Per the following duck news, ' Ducklings are able to fly within 5 - 8 weeks '.
So count from April 11th, 2009, 8 weeks would be between May 16th through June 13th, 2009.
Duck Life Span
Ducks can live from 2 - 20 years, depending on species and whether they are wild ducks or ducks in captivity. Its a fact that a wild duck can live 20 years or more. Domestic ducks typically live 10 - 15 years in captivity. The world record is a Mallard Drake that lived to a ripe old age of 27 years.
The eggs will hatch within 28 days normally, except for the Muscovy duck which takes about 35 days to hatch.The mother duck will keep her brood of ducklings together to protect them from predators. Animals like the racoon, turtles, hawks, large fish and snakes are a ducks main predators and they will eat the ducklings. Ducklings are able to fly within 5 - 8 weeks. Their feathers develop very fast.
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