Mashiach+Two Birds(Lev.14:49)+Mildew+ 2 CARDINAL RED BIRDS
This morning September 3rd, 2008, I saw the mildew ritual with `two birds`, described under Leviticus 14:49.
Because I have black mold at my home, I moved out of February 2008
. . . I find the bird information unusual and unique. This is in
reference to my personal experience of the parallel of the black
mold versus the Leviticus instructions for houses with mildew.
I reviewed how the two (2) Cardinal Red birds,were involved in
2001 with reference to my husband's colon issue. ( discussed below )
Scroll down, to continue the `bird` understanding within the scriptures :
Dedicated To Signet/Shimon Bar-yochai : `two Birds`,
who will die/rule the earth: Descending From the Nest
The law given by Hashem for the cleansing of a Metzorah reveals His redemptive plan for Israel and describes the process through which Mashiach would carry it out; his death and resurrection. Hashem commands the use of שתי צפרים(shetei tsiparim) "two birds" (Lev. 14:49). In his commentary on this subject, Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky notes that the numerical value of צפר (tsippor) is 370 and corresponds to the words זה משיח (zeh mashiach), "this is Mashiach." He says, "This [passage regarding the ‘two birds'] refers to Mashiach ben Yosef [who will die] and Mashiach ben David [who will rule the Earth].
If you are the faint of heart, enter not into the understanding
of the two birds . . . of Leviticus 14:49.
All my life I have been pointed toward the, `birds` :
ANIMAL AND BIRD : Job 12:7-8
But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee;
and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee.
Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee;
and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.
Soon, I will write about the 2001 red birds, a male and female that for
several months prior to my husband's colon surgery, visited the window's
of my husband's bathroom. So often were the flutterings of their wings
on the window glass, the pecking of the window with their beaks, that
not until my husband left for the test that found the tumor, did the
birds cease this activity. He received a miracle and returned home,
never to see the red birds again.
Years ago, I have had birds knock themselves out on the glass of windows
and if they survive, in a few days a sickness was confirmed in the family.
If the bird died from the impact, or managed to get into the home, a death
was within days confirmed. So when the Biblical reference of Job 12:7-8
tells me . . . (quote) . . . ` the fowls of the air, and they shall
tell thee ` . . . I fully understand this message.
Window Crash Of Great Horn Owl, [threads/strings] +,
`over Edom : measuring line of chaos, & plumb line`
`death/yellow Canary,human Sentinel For Coal Miners,
Job 12:7-8:`the fowls of the air,& they shall tell thee`
The Murder, Then The Crow (raven) Sighting . . .,
A group of crows is called a ' murder ' . . .
~leghorn Hen, Raises Bantam Rooster~, . . . childhood true story,
of what the Lord taught me!
Descending From the Nest
Our sages understood that the redeemer of Israel would be revealed only after this messianic soul made its descent from the Bird's Nest, coming to rest upon the one whom would be revealed as Mashiach. This is spoken of as the "crowning" of the redeemer and marks the point in his life when he would begin his messianic mission (Ibid Cf. Igeret Teyman, ch. 4).