Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Mashiach+Lev.14:49+Mildew+ 2 CARDINAL REDS
Mashiach+Two Birds(Lev.14:49)+Mildew+ 2 CARDINAL RED BIRDS
This morning September 3rd, 2008, I saw the mildew ritual with `two birds`, described under Leviticus 14:49.
Because I have black mold at my home, I moved out of February 2008
. . . I find the bird information unusual and unique. This is in
reference to my personal experience of the parallel of the black
mold versus the Leviticus instructions for houses with mildew.
I reviewed how the two (2) Cardinal Red birds,were involved in
2001 with reference to my husband's colon issue. ( discussed below )
Scroll down, to continue the `bird` understanding within the scriptures :
Dedicated To Signet/Shimon Bar-yochai : `two Birds`,
who will die/rule the earth: Descending From the Nest
The law given by Hashem for the cleansing of a Metzorah reveals His redemptive plan for Israel and describes the process through which Mashiach would carry it out; his death and resurrection. Hashem commands the use of שתי צפרים(shetei tsiparim) "two birds" (Lev. 14:49). In his commentary on this subject, Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky notes that the numerical value of צפר (tsippor) is 370 and corresponds to the words זה משיח (zeh mashiach), "this is Mashiach." He says, "This [passage regarding the ‘two birds'] refers to Mashiach ben Yosef [who will die] and Mashiach ben David [who will rule the Earth].
If you are the faint of heart, enter not into the understanding
of the two birds . . . of Leviticus 14:49.
All my life I have been pointed toward the, `birds` :
ANIMAL AND BIRD : Job 12:7-8
But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee;
and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee.
Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee;
and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.
Soon, I will write about the 2001 red birds, a male and female that for
several months prior to my husband's colon surgery, visited the window's
of my husband's bathroom. So often were the flutterings of their wings
on the window glass, the pecking of the window with their beaks, that
not until my husband left for the test that found the tumor, did the
birds cease this activity. He received a miracle and returned home,
never to see the red birds again.
Years ago, I have had birds knock themselves out on the glass of windows
and if they survive, in a few days a sickness was confirmed in the family.
If the bird died from the impact, or managed to get into the home, a death
was within days confirmed. So when the Biblical reference of Job 12:7-8
tells me . . . (quote) . . . ` the fowls of the air, and they shall
tell thee ` . . . I fully understand this message.
Window Crash Of Great Horn Owl, [threads/strings] +,
`over Edom : measuring line of chaos, & plumb line`
`death/yellow Canary,human Sentinel For Coal Miners,
Job 12:7-8:`the fowls of the air,& they shall tell thee`
The Murder, Then The Crow (raven) Sighting . . .,
A group of crows is called a ' murder ' . . .
~leghorn Hen, Raises Bantam Rooster~, . . . childhood true story,
of what the Lord taught me!
Descending From the Nest
Our sages understood that the redeemer of Israel would be revealed only after this messianic soul made its descent from the Bird's Nest, coming to rest upon the one whom would be revealed as Mashiach. This is spoken of as the "crowning" of the redeemer and marks the point in his life when he would begin his messianic mission (Ibid Cf. Igeret Teyman, ch. 4).
Jerusalem+Matt. 23:37:Hen/chickens:LEGHORN
Jerusalem+Matthew 23:37: Hen gathereth her chickens: LEGHORN
Crown Ratio Report
by : Disciple of the Crown (Tagin)
August 12th, 2008
Title : Leghorn hen, raises Bantam rooster
In my childhood, my daddy always had `Bantam` chickens. For the
reader not knowing what a Bantam is . . . here you go . . .
A true bantam has no large counterpart, and is naturally small.
In contrast, the Bantam rooster is famous in rural areas throughout the United Kingdom and the United States for its aggressive, "puffed-up" disposition that can be comedic in light of its diminutive stature. It is often called a "Banty" in the rural United States.
. . . Throughout our moving around until my school age, along
the journey . . . daddy would locate some chickens, to run around
outside. He loved fresh farm eggs.
. . . Some of the rare chickens, would produce colored eggs. Others
were like the Bantam breed, mini-chickens. Here is proof of the
colored eggs, for the reader doubting this story . . . (ha) . . .
Chicken eggs vary in color depending on the hen, typically ranging from bright white to shades of brown and even blue, green, and recently reported purple (found in South Asia) (Araucana varieties).
One day, he found a baby layer chicken, white Leghorn breed :
I raised her, into my personal ' Tweetie-bird `.
The Bantam breed, looked very dwarf next to my full grown Leghorn
breed chicken.
A day came, when one of the Bantam hens disinherited a Bantam
rooster, chick.
So I ask, " Tweetie-bird " . . . would she take care of him ?
With some reluctance, I persisted as children will do with their favorite
pets, to encourage her to obey me.
I would place the Bantam rooster, under the big broad white wing
of `Tweetie-bird`. And push her gently toward the ground, to teach her
to allow him to be under the shelter of her wings.
And within a few afternoons, prior to sundown via these training's . . .
she was on her journey of motherhood, without any former practice.
You see, she was the only white Leghorn breed chicken, the others
were all Bantam. So she had no opportunity to become a mother. I
continued giving her treats, to reward her nightly `roosting` of allowing
the Bantam rooster under her wing.
As Bantam rooster grew into a dwarf rooster breed, he was so very
much like the wikipedia commentary above, ". . . aggressive, "puffed-up" disposition that can be comedic in light of its diminutive stature . . .".
Until, the nightly roosting time came.
And all that `ego` just fell to the curb.
He never stopped getting under `Tweetie-birds`, wing. His entire Bantam
life, he slept at night under her wing.
When he became the largest dwarf Bantam, an adult rooster could
become, his body would cause `Tweetie-bird`, to raise off the ground.
You could see her pinkish/red feet, just a shining.
(Ha) . . . Sometimes, she would get tired of that on-going arrangement
and fly up onto a lower tree limb.
However, he was very persuasive. By the next morning, I would
find him out of sight, under her wing. I guess she could not stay
out on the tree limb, with all that grumbling going on ?
Why, have I remembered this story ?
Because, I know how important it is to be sheltered under the
hen's wing. And my 'Tweetie-bird` adopted a bird not of her
own brood. Like the `grafted vine` of all non-Jewish believers.
With this childhood lesson, it has prepared me for the lesson's
being taught in Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34.
I hope you laughed and I hope your blessed in sharing the
meaning of , my chicken story called, `Leghorn hen, raises Bantam rooster`.
chik'-'-n, chik'-in (Anglo-Saxon, cicen or cycen; Latin, Gallus ferrugineus; alektruon, masculine and fem.): A barnyard fowl of any age. The record is to be found in the books of the disciples, but Jesus is responsible for the only direct mention of chickens in the Bible. Mt 23:37, contains this: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killeth the prophets, and stoneth them that are sent unto her! how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!" Luke's version of the same scene says: "Even as a hen gathereth her own brood under her wings" (Lk 13:34).
FIG TREE+Job 12:7-8:the fowls if the air: CANARY
FIG TREE+Job 12:7-8 : the fowls if the air : CANARY
`death/yellow Canary,human Sentinel For Coal Miners,
Job 12:7-8:`the fowls of the air,& they shall tell thee`
Friday, August 22nd, 2008 . . . @07:49 a.m.
Title : `The Death of the Yellow Canary`
Crown Ratio Report
by: Disciple of the Crown (Tagin)
When I saw the little yellow canary laying dead close to the
Mulberry Tree, to the left side of the fountain, I remembered a
few weeks ago, August 2nd , 2008 : . . . the story I wrote about the
Crow (raven) . . .
The Murder, Then The Crow (raven) Sighting . . .,
A group of crows is called a ' murder ' . . .
And I realized that the little yellow dead canary, was most certainly
telling us as stated in the scripture of Job 12:7-8, . . .` and the
fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee . . . ` [unity, freedom,
community, power of song and voice].
ANIMAL AND BIRD : Job 12:7-8
But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee;
and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee.
Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee;
and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.
As I researched the history concerning the bird species, ' Canary ',
I discovered that this creature is a human sentinel. The phrase
' canary in the coal mine `, is explained below.
There is increasing recognition that wild, domestic, and companion animals may act as "sentinels" for environmental health hazards by providing early warning of human health hazards in the environment. The ability of animals to act as sentinels is because they may be more susceptible or have greater exposure to a particular hazard compared to humans living nearby.
Canaries in coal mines . . .
The classic example of animals serving as sentinels is the "canary in the coal mine". Well into the 20th century, coal miners in England and the US brought canaries into coal mines as an "early warning signal" for toxic gases including methane and carbon monoxide. The birds, being more sensitive, would become sick before the miners, who would then have a chance to escape or put on protective respirators.
Canaries were formerly used by miners to warn of dangerous gases. The bird
is also widely used in scientific research. Canaries are often depicted in
the media with Tweety Bird being a well-known example.
It mainly feeds on seeds such as those of weeds, grasses and figs.
As I read the reference to the media ' Tweety Bird ', that reminded
me of the story of myhen, I called ' Tweetie-Bird ` . . . my hen
taught me this :
Matthew 23:37 : "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killeth the prophets,
and stoneth them that are sent unto her! how often would I have gathered
thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her
wings, and ye would not!"
"Even as a hen gathereth her own brood under her wings" (Luke 13:34).
Reviewing the `hen` connection to Jerusalem, including the `figs`
representing in Matthew 24:32, Jesus using the fig tree, to tell His
disciples about how we could discern the timeliness of His return to Israel.
~leghorn Hen, Raises Bantam Rooster~, . . .
childhood true story, of what the Lord taught me! ( media info )
Then I realized when I read that the `canary` feeds on `figs`, that
I must research the former fig tree teachings of April 2008 : . . .
Longevity+death+transformation+rebirth+sword+hand of God+survival
The Fig Tree Prophecy
I looked at the equation of the ' canary ' as indeed : unity,
freedom, community, power of song and voice. I now understood why the
little dead yellow canary, could in the bird kingdom, be a sentinel
to mankind. This is a warning to Jerusalem under the hen/bird
reference from Jesus. No longer is the canary in my heart a warning
sign to coal miner's, only. I understand that the canary eats `figs`
and is preparing us for Jesus' return to Israel, in His second coming.
Canary `Yellow`, In Science Nanometres :
Below I referenced the frequency vibration of the color `yellow`. Which
is a range of 380 - 480 nm. For the reader, the color yellow has a
frequency in science.
And the universal understanding of the `yellow` as a color, is a key code
to unlocking the yellow canary, topic :
Why is the `yellow`, 380 Nanometres ?
The answer is, the earth is in thick darkness (380/yellow). We are
needing out of the house of bondage. Like escaping from Egypt (380/yellow).
In conclusion, the dead yellow canary is teaching us about braking
the yoke of bondage in our lives. Praise His Holy Name (IHVH)
The Number 380 - Egypt
380 + Egypt + Thick Darkness + Oppressed + Desolate, Astonished + Slip Off, Cast Out + Folly, Weakness + Break Off + Crossroad + Firmament + Goldsmith + Flock + He Goat + Number + Arcturus
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Exodus 20.1
Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
Isaiah 58.6
Recently in July 2008, the Lord revealed this message about ' yoke ' :
~lamed~to Unfasten Leather Straps Of Slavery's Yoke, "Yoke" in the sense of "a pair of oxen"+OX-GOAD
() For the shepherd boy David, his ox goad (Lamed/30) was a sling and stones.
() For the widow woman in Elijah’s day, her ox goad (Lamed/30) was a little meal and oil in the bottom of a barrel.
() For the little boy who brought his sack lunch when Jesus was preaching, his ox goad (Lamed/30) was five loaves and two fishes.
() For Samson, his ox goad (Lamed/30) was the jawbone of a donkey.
God can use anything you got as an ox goad, just give it to Him.
Luke 12:24:that they sow not+Murder+ RAVEN
Luke 12:24: ravens, that they sow not+Murder+ RAVEN
The Murder, Then The Crow (raven) Sighting . . ., A group of crows
is called a ' murder ' . . .
The murder, then the crow (Raven) sighting . . .
A group of crows is called a ' murder ' . . .;%20RG%20Johnsson%20-%20nps.jpg
This true story, is about a murder, in Florida. The news media posted
it on-line, July 11th, 2008. However, the killer checked into the hotel
the article stated, June 28th.
This very killer, called my house to borrow money, before he
left for Florida, from Georgia. Years ago, he had worked in grass mowing
under a service contract. I suppose he was trying to contact all his
old networking contacts, to raise money to leave the State of Georgia.
So glad, there was no money loaned to him.
Over the years, he has been in and out of mental health treatment
programs, since he was molested in his youth by his father's best
friend, who was a police officer.
I have always expected, the system of law `failed`, in the rehab programs
for Caylor.
I found it odd, that Saturday, August 2nd, 2008, I had been watching
the bird crow mates, in a tree eating mulberry pods.
Then @06:00 p.m. eastern time, I walked outside speaking to a person
who looked as I looked, @crow-bouncing-off-the-ground-at-the-glass-window.
This crow, was standing on a bed of ivy, under the mulberry tree, bouncing
up in the air, about 2-3 feet.
As the crow bounced, it would hit the window glass of the building.
Keep in mind, I had been for four (4) hours, observing this area from
within the inside of the building, via the glass.
Not until, we both opened the glass door, did we observe this odd
behavior of the crow.
I said, " Well that's a crazy bird " !
This is why, I think the murder versus the group of crows meaning 'murder',
is a unusual sign.
I will post additional research, when completed on this matter.
POSTED: 1:32 pm EDT July 11, 2008
Georgia Sex Offender Admits Killing Florida Girl
13-Year-Old Victim Found In Panama City Hotel
A group of crows is called a ' murder ' . . .
Common Raven (Corvus corax)
The crow genus makes up a third of the species in the corvid family. Other corvids include rooks and jays. Crows appear to have evolved in Asia from the corvid stock, which had evolved in Australasia. A group of crows is called a "murder."
The nesting season starts early, with some birds incubating eggs by early April already.[13] American Crows build bulky stick nests, nearly always in trees but sometimes also in large bushes and, very rarely, on the ground. They will nest in a wide variety of trees, including large conifers, although oaks are most often used. Three to six eggs are laid and incubated for 18 days. The young are usually fledged by about 35 days after hatching.
American Crows are common, widespread and adaptable, but they are highly susceptible to the West Nile Virus. They are monitored as an indicator species.
Palestine has at least 8 different species of ravens. This bird was the first sent out by Noah in an effort to discover if the flood were abating (Gen 8:6-8). Because it partially fed on carrion it was included among the abominations (see Lev 11:15; Dt 14:14). On 1 Ki 17:4-6, see ELIJAH and the present writer's Birds of the Bible, 401-3. Among the marvels of creation and providence in Job 38:41, we have this mention of the raven,
"Who provideth for the raven his prey,
When his young ones cry unto God,
And wander for lack of food?"
The answer to this question is in Ps 147:9:
"He giveth to the beast his food,
And to the young ravens which cry."
Both these quotations point out the fact that the young are peculiarly noisy. In Prov 30:17 it is indicated that the ravens, as well as eagles, vultures and hawks, found the eye of prey the vulnerable point, and so attacked it first. The Hebrew `orebh means "black," and for this reason was applied to the raven, so the reference to the locks of the bridegroom in the Song of Solomon becomes clear (Song 5:11). The raven is one of the birds indicated to prey upon the ruins of Edom (Isa 34:11). The last reference is found in Lk 12:24: "Consider the ravens, that they sow not, neither reap; which have no store-chamber nor barn; and God feedeth them." This could have been said of any wild bird with equal truth.
Gene Stratton-Porter
Isaiah 34:11:Edom+GREAT HORN OWL
Isaiah 34:11: Edom, measuring line of chaos+GREAT HORN OWL
Window Crash Of Great Horn Owl, [threads/strings] +, `over Edom : measuring line of chaos, & plumb line`
Great Horn Owl
ANIMAL AND BIRD : Job 12:7-8
But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee;
and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee.
Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee;
and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.
@1400-1430, Saturday, August 30th, 2008
The great horn owl airborne, with talons furry, resembling the paws of a baby mountain lion with claws extended in mid-air, crashed the window glass of the building.
As I witnessed the wing span stretched out, with claws forced forward to stop the impact on the glass, as a potential head on collision.
Slamming the glass with breast feathers hitting first. Then flying over to a low tree to recover its bearings.
What a warrior in the bird family. Looking like the family cat sitting upright on the tree limb, what a force to recon with. Yes, I can see how the great horn owl is the only bird that can out fly the golden eagle.
The great horn owl decided to take a wrong detour and slammed into the glass window of the commercial building. Interesting, the mulberry tree on the left side
of the window, was the area that the crow (raven) exhibited the odd behavior a few weeks ago. And the location of the yellow wild canary, found dead. ( I have inserted the links to those stories, scroll down to access them )
The right side mulberry tree is where the window (He) was located, that owl crashed into. This mulberry tree is a twin to the opposite side of the landscape. Both the twin fountain sprinklers not operational, due to the Georgia drought.
I decided that most certainly, this great horn owl must be linked to one of the former bird stories. And indeed, I was so very correct. The crow (raven) will mob owls when they are near their territory for they know that when night falls, owl becomes a predator that will return to the crow’s nesting areas in search for a delicious crow meal.
Understanding the rules of lessons in virtue called ‘truthfulness’ and vice called ‘dishonesty’, are some of the characteristics associated with the owl. I have been studying the term/topic : STRINGS/THREADS
I keep my eyes focused on the lesson of Mem (Hebrew alphabet, meaning water/40), being the strings of feminine cords that bind women to men who use them like a puppet master uses a puppet on strings.
And the releasement learned through Zain (Hebrew alphabet, meaning sword/7), of the cutting of the cords/strings/threads that bind us from any form of idolatry in our lives.
Owl expresses a new life or releasing the ties that kept you bound to the old one.
Seeing clear through to the core reason of any type of imbalance, is a owl lesson. Then understanding resolution steps to implement the changes unto fruition.
Leviticus 11:17, name the horned owl . . . as a bird you are not to eat.
And Deuteronomy 14:16, repeats this instruction about not eating the horned owl. Interesting, that Edom in Isaiah 34:11, speaks about the great owl nesting at and possessing Edom.
. . . God will stretch out over Edom the measuring line of chaos (Pe) and the plumb line of desolation.
And then I said, “Of course Lord, the measuring line is the term/topic strings/threads”. And God (IHVH) will put boundary lines of demarcation to limit the chaos in the testing time of our faith. Just as Job, was sparred his life, during the testing by Satan. Satan could not take his life. That was the measuring line of chaos, that was the measuring thread, the measuring string . . .
And the plumb line of desolation . . . is the clear defined boundary setting that you must have as a contractor to hang a wall of sheet rock in balance. A plumb line is a thread/string to mark the blue line on the carpenters board to denote the area to saw.
And I summarize this story of the great horn owl, with the following message :
. . . verse 13 . . . a home for owls.
Isaiah 34:15
The owl will nest there and lay eggs, she will hatch them, and care for her young under the shadow of her wings; (Lamed) . . .
Wing Of The Temple = Lamed = 30, Daniel 9:27 holds the numerical 30 code
~scarlet Thread, Throughout Bible~ Harlot, Saved, hope for atheist
also . . . to believe in God . . .
The Murder, Then The Crow (raven) Sighting . . ., A group of crows
is called a ' murder ' . . .
`death/yellow Canary,human Sentinel For Coal Miners, Job 12:7-8:
`the fowls of the air,& they shall tell thee`
Edom (Hebrew: אֱדוֹם, Standard Edom Tiberian ʾĔḏôm ; "red") is a name given to Esau in the Hebrew Bible, as well as to the nation descending from him. The nation's name in Assyrian was Udumi; in Syriac, ܐܕܘܡ; in Greek, Ἰδουμαία (Idoumaía); in Latin, Idumæa or Idumea.
In the Bible
The Bible identifies Esau as the fraternal twin brother of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham. Jacob became the father of the Israelites after God (Genesis 35:10) renamed Jacob "Israel." Thus Esau shared his mother's womb together with the founder of the nation of Israel.[2] See Genesis 25. Although Esau was Isaac's first-born entitled to inherit Isaac's wealth and blessing, Esau sold his birthright to his younger brother Jacob (Israel) for a pot of stew. The descendants of Esau and Israel led divergent paths with Edom settling east of modern day Israel forming tribal chiefs while Jacob traveled all of Israel, his inheritance.
In the time of Nebuchadnezzar II the Edomites helped plunder Jerusalem and slaughter the Jews.[26] For this reason the Prophets denounced Edom violently.[27]
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